ABC & anti rabies

Two male team members are crouching on either side of a small black and white dog. One of the team members is holding the dog’s jaw and head, whilst the second team member has his hands on the dog’s shoulders.

TOLFA is committed in helping make India rabies free

Our ABC and Anti Rabies Project is literally saving animal and human lives.  Sadly India has the highest incidence of rabies in the world and unfortunately 95% of the human cases – usually children under the age of 15 years – begin with a bite from a rabies infected dog.  Despite it not being their fault sadly this has negatively affected how people regard the street dogs.

TOLFA is trying to change that in our local community by creating a healthy and ‘rabies free’ street dog population.  Although we can’t treat the virus which is always fatal, once it has been contracted, we can 100% PREVENT it through rabies vaccination and that is what this project aims to do.

Working with the government to eradicate rabies

TOLFA follows the World Health Organization’s guidelines for rabies eradication which includes sterilisation (ABC or Animal Birth Control) of dogs to help control and create a healthy street dog population as well as the all-important rabies vaccination.

Currently TOLFA is working in collaboration with the Ajmer Municipal Corporation and in the very early morning hours, TOLFA’s ABC Team is out catching street dogs for ABC and rabies vaccination from a pre designated location.  Back at the TOLFA Animal Hospital, every single dog receives a pre op check , surgery the following day followed by a minimum of 3 days of post operative care before being released to the exact location that they were caught.

In addition to our government collaboration work, TOLFA also:

  • Ensures every dog that is rescued has ABC and rabies vaccination before release
  • Runs repeat rabies vaccination camps for dogs that have already passed through our ABC & anti rabies project.
  • Catches and puts under observation any dog reported by a worried member of the public that may be showing signs of rabies
  • Gives advice to local people regarding post bite precautions and treatment