As the saying goes ‘no man is an island’ and that goes for TOLFA too.
As an organisation, we need the company and support of others in our community in order for us to thrive. In isolation, we can achieve very little. It has taken time for us to build all the relationships that we have today and it will always be an ongoing process but we feel very blessed to have so many committed individuals and groups behind the work that we do.
The company and support from the local community that we have, takes many different forms but below are just some of the connections that we have with the people around us.
A wonderful part of our community is the network of animal caregivers that is growing all the time. These people are truly street animal heroes who are regularly feeding and checking the health of street animals in their areas. We believe that the number of street animal caregivers has risen since TOLFA has been available to help medically if an animal gets sick or injured.
A fear of rabies also created a big divide between people and street dogs but since 2005, TOLFA has vaccinated tens of thousands of dogs which we believe has made people feel safer to open their hearts and homes to the animals around them. We offer on the spot street treatments to animals with simple wounds or medical problems who have caregivers. In 2016 we carried out just under 700 street treatments but in 2021 this had shot up to almost 7000 street treatments which was thanks to the support and commitment of their dedicated caregivers.
Due to our location in the rural village of Kharekhari we have very much become part of the local village community. Several of our staff come from our local village and many hundreds of the local subsistence farmers use our Rural Animal Health clinics to seek free or subsidised medical help for their family goats or cow when they are sick. Transporting their animals to the city and then seeking private veterinary treatment can be expensive and many times beyond their means.
In return, as a show of their gratitude, during and after monsoon when there is fresh green grass growing in unused compounds around our hospital, the local villagers will quickly give us permission to either cut the grass or better still allow our large animals to graze, getting the very best that nature can provide.
TOLFA is so very grateful to have a wonderful network of ‘friends’ in our local community who are always willing to step up with a donation. They may support us on a regular basis with a monthly donation for our running costs or give a bigger one off donation to enable us to buy a piece of equipment or extend our facilities. Our work relies on this regular help, as alone, without funds and support, we could achieve nothing.
You can’t fail to miss our bright turquoise TOLFA ambulances out on the streets, 365 days a year rescuing street animals in need and because of this, our local people have seen how we are trying to improve the lives of the animals in our community and want to help us in this mission. Having these amazing connections to turn to when we need something, shows us not just how well we are supported but also the deep compassion there is out there for the street animals in our locality.
When the idea for TOLFA began, it was all about the animals but one thing that we have realised as an organisation, is how good it feels to be able to offer stable employment to someone that really needs it. As TOLFA has grown so has our staff team, the majority of which are from the local area. We have five members of staff who have been with us from the very first year of our existence and many have worked with us for over 10 years.
All roles and work at TOLFA are vital and every single member of staff is important to us as without them we simply would not be able to provide the level of service and care that we do. Our team is often working in difficult conditions, whether that be the extremes of weather that Rajasthan experiences or the highly emotionally charged situations they find themselves in – but they always do it with a smile on their face.