Since October 2005, when TOLFA opened its gates for the very first time, we feel like we have achieved a lot. These achievements can be measured in many different ways and are more than just numbers on a spreadsheet. We like to think that our achievements include all the lives both animal and human that TOLFA has touched and had a positive impact on.
It might be the animal that has been brought in broken that is now happily skipping down the street or a person in the community that we have inspired to become a street animal hero. It may be one of our staff’s lives that has been revolutionised by their steady income or a follower of our work that has been so moved by what we do that they have decided to donate. To top it off there are all the awards that TOLFA has received in recognition of our work.
Year on year, with the help of your kind donations, we have been able to grow and expand the work that we do and the number of animals that we help. 2021 was a record year for us.
Our donors have enabled TOLFA to provide lifesaving treatment to thousands of animals. Come and meet just a few of those special animals who have recovered because of your help.
TOLFA is part of a wider community and together we can achieve great things. We always try as an organization to have a positive impact on the world around us.
As a registered charitable trust, TOLFA has been blessed to be recognised and receive many awards for its hard work, both in India and internationally.