
A little girl wearing a red, white & blue checked school uniform is smiling straight into the camera. She is holding a fawn puppy. There are lots of children crowded around her.

A new generation of animal lovers

 To really change the future for animals in our local area and ultimately the world, TOLFA understands that we need to help the next generation to see animals; and how amazing they are; through different eyes.

If you are a school or college interested in making a better world for animals and creating awareness on rabies safety for your students, we want to hear from you!

As part of our Animal Welfare Education Project, TOLFA will come to your school and teach a lesson that initially will last approximately one hour.  The main focus of our teachings are:

  • Five Freedoms (a set of principles guiding what an animal needs and how they should be treated)
  • Dog bite and rabies prevention
  • TOLFA and the work that we do

Arranging for TOLFA to come to your school

If you are a teacher and are interested in inviting TOLFA to your school for a lesson, please send an email to: including your name, designation, school name, address and contact number along with your request.

Unfortunately we can’t accept invitation from students themselves.  Firstly you will need to get permission from you class teacher who will then most like need to get permission from the Head teacher.  The invitation will need to come from the teacher themselves.

A TOLFA staff wearing a blue TOLFA T shirt is holding a ginger and white cat in their arms.

Commonly asked questions about our Education services

  • What age range of children are your lessons suitable for?

    Our lessons are most suited to children aged 9- 13 years but children that are younger or older will still get something from the teachings.

  • Can you provide references from other schools that you have visited?

    Yes we can definitely provide you with letters of commendation from schools that we have previously visited.  These are available on request.

  • When is a good time for our school or college to visit TOLFA?

    It is neccessary to make an appointment first before visiting with bigger groups.  We don’t encourage visits during the monsoon as the grounds are often slippery and waterlogged.

    Please send us a message on our contact form with a couple of dates that you were hoping to visit with your school and we will let you know when would be suitable.

  • Is one school lesson enough or can you come back repeated times?

    Although in one lesson, the children will gain a lot of knowledge that they did not previously know, several repeated visits would be more beneficial to build on the information that was initially taught.  We have a workbook with lots of activities that can either be taught by TOLFA or we are also happy to go through it with class teachers so that they can teach the lessons.

  • Can children volunteer at your hospital?

    No, unfortunately not.  TOLFA is a working veterinary hospital with many potential hazards which means that it is not a suitable environment for children to volunteer.

There are 5 Aryan College students, 3 of which are wearing pale green polo shirt uniforms and wearing masks. One of the students is holding a small fawn puppy. .