
An Indian man in a blue chequered shirt is holding the new tiny tabby kitten he has adopted. His left arm is looped through his black motorcycle helmet and the kitten is wrapped in a pink blanket. Behind them is a stone wall and green bushes.

Indian desi dogs and cats make the best pets!

At TOLFA, we nearly always have puppies and kittens that are in need of adoption.  In the most part these are orphans that we have rescued after their mother has died or they came in as a rescue themselves but were too small to release back if they did not have a caregiver.  Sometimes we also have adult animals in need of adoption because their previous owner was not able to care for them anymore.

Indian desi breeds make the perfect companion because they are:

  • Loyal
  • Loving
  • Highly intelligent
  • Perfectly adapted to India’s extreme weather conditions
  • Have strong immune systems
  • Have very few genetic defects

Interested in giving a loving home?

Please send us a message on our Facebook or Instagram page with your name, location and contact number along with which kind of animal you are hoping to adopt, so that our adoptions coordinator can give you a call back.

We are always so happy to make an adoption that all of our TOLFA adoptees receive free sterilisation, deworming and rabies vaccinations for life as well as lifelong veterinary treatment at one of our TOLFA dispensaries.

Commonly asked questions about our Adoption services

  • Do you have pedigree dogs and cats for adoption?

    Very occasionally we will have adult pedigree dogs for adoption but we almost never have pedigree puppies or cats for adoption.  Enquiries regarding this matter can be directed to our Owned Animal Dispensary in Kharekhari on 9116 622585.  Please also consider giving a ‘desi’ puppy or kitten a home.

  • What do I need to consider before adopting a pet?

    There are many things that first need to be considered before adopting a pet.  Here are just some of the common things.

    Are you committed?

    Your adopted pet may live for up to 15 years or more and so you need to be committed to taking care of them to the end of their natural life.  You will also need patience in the beginning to allow your pet to settle into your surroundings at their own pace.

    Do you have the time?

    Many of us lead busy lives with little time between working and family life but our pets need our time too, for walking and spending quality time with them and so it is important to consider this.

    Do you have the resources?

    Although TOLFA will provide free veterinary treatment, rabies vaccination and nasbandi, you will need to consider if your finances allow for the feeding of a balanced nutritious diet for your new pet and also transport to and from the doctors if your pet is sick.

    Do you have the space?

    Is there enough room in your living quarters to accommodate a pet comfortably without causing any conflict for either you or your pet?.


  • What regular care will I need to provide for an adopted pet?

    Your pet will need to be fed a nutritious diet at least twice a day but it is also important not to overfeed your pet as this can lead to obesity.  They will need regular exercise and interaction with you.  Keeping up with regular vaccinations (6:1 and rabies) is important as is deworming your pet.  TOLFA can give information about this.

    From time to time it is good to brush your pet to remove any excess hair and this also gives the opportunity to look for any parasites they may have in the coat and take action.  Regular brushing is particularly important in dogs or cats that have longer hair so that the hair doesn’t get matted.  Although baths can be done from time to time, it is not good to bath too regularly as this can strip the coat of natural oils.  Cats do not like being bathed.  It is also good to check their nails to make sure they have not become overgrown.

    If you notice anything out of the usual with your pet, please contact you vet for direction as many problems can be solved if they are detected early.

  • The puppy I have adopted is crying all night, is that normal?

    Yes that is perfectly normal.  It can be a huge change for the puppy or kitten being in a new home that is unfamiliar to them with people and possibly other animals that they do not know.  They may have had a traumatic experience in losing their mum.

    The crying only usually happens for the first couple of days while they settle in and start to get to know their new home and all of the people in it.  All that is needed, is a bit of patience and some loving understanding and before you know it everything will be fine.

  • If the animal doesn’t settle in my home, will you take them back?

    Yes TOLFA will ALWAYS take an animal back if you have tried your best to help them to settle in your home but for whatever reason it isn’t working out.  We ask you to sign to this effect when you adopt a pet from TOLFA – that you will not just leave your adopted animal anywhere or give to another person without our permission.  You must always bring them back to TOLFA.

  • Do you get involved in overseas adoptions?

    No TOLFA does not get involved in overseas adoptions for several reasons. Firstly we do not have the correct government seals required for the paperwork for sending animals abroad and secondly to create long term positive change in our area, we prefer to concentrate our efforts on bringing local communities together to adopt and care for the street animals.