Save a dog today

Help dogs like ‘Bhair” be free from suffering.

Campaign Progress

Your donations enable us to reach as many dogs as we can

During the monsoon season and for several months after, TOLFA is called upon to rescue hundreds of dogs that have sustained a wound that has then become infested with maggots.  The wound often starts as a small bite wound inflicted in the mating season as male dogs fight over female dogs.  The wound then becomes infected and attracts the flies that are more prevalent during and after the wet season.  The flies lay their eggs, that hatch out into maggots and these maggots start eating away at the flesh of the dogs causing immense irritation and suffering.

Without our combined help, these dogs would die a slow and painful death but by donating to this special campaign, you will become part of these dog’s futures.  Your donation will be utilised to buy diesel to keep our ambulances on the road, provide salaries to our staff who provide the vital veterinary care and purchase medicines and food that are needed for a full recovery.

Help us to reach our target.